Friday, May 31, 2024

Fate of the Republican Party

 James George

Political Science

31 May 2024

Fate of the Republican Party

‘Standards for American Political Parties’

I just published the book Standards for American Political Parties. The premise is that no standards govern the political parties, holding them accountable and responsible for fund-raising and vetting candidates who bear their brand. 

Today, the nation faces a catastrophic time when the Republican Party and its leader decided to assault the rule of law and the US Constitution. They challenged the legitimacy of the last election results. They sought to change and undermine the results illegally, for which Trump and Republicans are facing prosecution in multiple states. 

The overt attack on our democracy happened before the January 6th insurrection, which is being prosecuted with impediments posed by alleged corrupt justices — Thomas and Alito and lower court judge Aileen Cannon (Southern District of Florida). 

Trump’s continuing rhetoric includes attacks on Judge Juan Merchan, prosecutors Alan Bragg, and Special Counsel Jack Smith, among others. While  Trump has the right to say what he wishes, his words indicate his intentions and add to the fuel of his pending prosecutions. Trump embraces violence as an alternative to due process and so do his cult followers who are branded as Republicans.

I believe that most American voters will reject Trump and Republicans in the November election. I will advocate the creation of standards for American political parties and ethics standards for the US Supreme Court, both of which may require Constitutional Amendments. 

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