Thursday, May 16, 2024

Michael Cohen is a Liar

That is not news. 

What is relevant is that Donald Trump hired him as his personal lawyer for ten years. Also relevant is “the missing witness,” Allen Weisselberg, serving time in Rikers Island prison. Allen is Trump’s CFO convicted of filing fraudulent tax entries for Donald Trump’s company. Allen worked for Trump for thirty years. He and Michael Cohen executed Trump’s plan to pay off Stormy Daniels and devised a way to conceal it, albeit illegally.

Trump’s defense creamed Cohen before the jury, highlighting his untrustworthiness.

The good news is that other, more credible witnesses can corroborate Cohen’s story. The judge could order Weisselberg to appear, though Allen would plead the fifth because anything he says can undermine his NDA with Trump, and he would sacrifice $750,000.

I am banking on Allan Bragg to make the case to the jury—ironclad with Facts.

The Hill

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